A TextUs account
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the account, suitable for display in UIs. |
slug | string | The account’s slug. |
type | string | The account’s type. |
multiUser | boolean | Is this account a multi-user account or not. |
settings | object | The account’s combined settings |
logo | string | The account’s White Label logo |
familyCount | number | The number of accounts including self and descendants |
childrenCount | number | Count of direct sub-accounts |
phoneNumbers | array | The provider phone numbers associated with this account |
contactsEnabled | boolean | Is there a contact import target in the account tree? |
featureFlags | object | Feature flags for the current user |
effectiveRole | string | The users effective role for this account |
hasCumulativePlan | boolean | Does this account’s organization_account have a cumulative plan? |
messagingRestricted | boolean | Is the account is restricted from sending messages due to not being 10DLC registered. This flag is temporary and will be removed in the future. |
shortenedLinkDomain | string | The account’s shortened link |
shortenedLinkPreviewUrl | string | The account’s shortened link preview URL |
contactImport | Link | Where to import contacts on this account |
contacts | Link | List contacts on this account |
conversationFilters | Link | Account’s conversation filters |
campaignFilters | Link | Account’s campaign filters |
contactFilters | Link | Account’s contact filters |
conversations | Link | Account’s conversations |
inbox | Link | Account’s inbox |
campaigns | Link | Fetch campaigns for the account |
presignAttachment | Link | Presign message attachment uploads |
presignContactImport | Link | Presign contact import uploads |
presignMessageImport | Link | Presign message import uploads |
contactPhones | Link | Account’s contact phones |
sendMessages | Link | Send messages from this account |
scheduleMessages | Link | Schedule a message to be sent later |
users | Link | Users that are members of this account |
navbar | Link | Ui Links for this account |
signedAvatarUrl | Link | Presign user avatar attachment upload |
signedWhitelabelUrl | Link | Presign the whitelabel attachment upload |
children | Link | This account’s children |
integrations | Link | This account’s integrations |
analytics | Link | This account’s analytics |
optOutAnalytics | Link | This account’s opt out analytics |
optOuts | Link | This account’s opt outs |
exportOptOuts | Link | Export the account’s opt-outs |
optOutImport | Link | |
presignOptOutImport | Link | Get a signed url for upload |
userSchema | Link | The customizable fields for a given account schema |
adminUserSchema | Link | The customizable fields an admin can modify |
premiumSupportUrl | Link | URL for Premium Support enabled accounts |
organizationAccount | Link | The organization account this account relates to |